People always tell me i'm "special"

For those of you blog lurkers who have been to my site lately, you've probably noticed that I haven't had an update for quite some time. So I have to apologize. I do have good reason though, because I recently went back to school to get my MBA, so I have been awfully busy. Still I can't let something like school get in the may of my quality blogging can I?
Anyway, here are some funny pictures. Proof I really am special. At least to my mom.

These first two are from my vacation a while back to San Diego. We took a tour of an aircraft carrier, and got to look around the inside of the ship.

Sometimes you just can't hold it any longer.

This is probably one of my all-time favorite pictures. Remember the Nintendo 64 game of Mario? Every time at the loading of the game, you saw his big Italian mustached face, and he said "It's-a-me-a, a-Mario." That's what I think of every time I see this.

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