Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Cinco de Mustache...er Mayo.

Just trying to show my appreciation for the independence day of Mexico.

Pancho Villa says, "You better celebrate this amazing holiday of the Cinco de Mustache."

If so, "then thumbs up to you Amigo."

If not......"then prepare to face the fury of the Amigos de Mustache!!!"

Mighty Muggs

It's no secret that I'm really just a big kid at heart. I enjoy watching cartoons and I even have a toy collection. My most recent additions have been a new type of toy called Mighty Muggs.

For Christmas Mel got me some sweet exclusive Marvel Mighty Muggs, so we added them to the collection and took some pictures.

They even have blank ones that you can get and paint yourself.



This was the best Christmas ever! That's a pretty bold statement, but we just had the best time this year. Maybe we are biased, because this was our first Christmas married, but really it was so much fun. We decorated our tree Star Wars style, made delicious and fancy chocolate covered pretzels, had a visit from Santa himself, went caroling up in Evanston, played the dice-game present exchange, listened to some sweet Christmas music on the radio (basically the same 4 songs on every one of the stations it seemed like, but it was still fun), read the Christmas story from Luke chapter 2, Helaman 14:5, 3 Nephi 1:21, woke up and surprised each other with our gifts, made a nice big breakfast, went to a movie (The curious Case of Benjamin Button), and finally enjoyed a bunch of evening snow. Couldn't have been more perfect. Here are some sweet pictures for your visual enjoyment:

We made some really tasty chocolate covered pretzels.

Then Santa came to town. I asked him for world peace. We'll see if he can come through this year.

We treated the nice people of Evanston with our great voices. We also realized we don't really know the words to the majority of Christmas songs.

Here we are enjoying our gifts. Can you guess who got what?


Sometimes it's weird to think that we are in the 2000's. Technology has advanced so much just in my short lifetime of 25 years. I mean, the internet, email, cell phones and laptops just to name a few. Speaking of all that, it was only 9 years ago that we all thought the world was doomed because of that whole Y2K thing. Pretty silly.

On to the good news. Two weeks ago, I decided to make a huge technological step of my own. I got an iPhone. I have to say, IT IS SO AWESOME!

I can't believe how sweet this phone is. It has GPS that works with the Google maps, the Apps store with tons of handy applications. Don't even get me started on how good the web browser is. And those are just a few of the many great features available. I have to say, I am very pleased with my purchase.

Medieval Times, call for Medieval methods.

If you looked at the current financial crisis, you may think we are slipping back into Medieval times. Good thing my buddies and I are one step ahead. We have built a Trebuchet. Check out wikipedia for more info on Trebuchets. In layman's terms, it's basically a catapult.

I don't want to steal any of the thunder of the Mad Scientist, so I will just direct you to his webpage to see pictures documenting the build, and the pictures of the first throw. Go to mad-laboratory.com

Also, while you are there, check out his other projects, like his current laminar flow fountain and air compressor rockets. Plus stay tuned for several other projects in the works.

I'll put up some pictures later tonight. So what are you waiting for? Go to mad-laboratory.com!

City of Salt Lake

I like to take pictures. My buddy Brott and I like to go on photo missions, where we both go to an area and shoot photos. Sometimes with a specific idea in mind, or other times we just shoot photos that will help Brott complete assignments for his photography class. It's nice to have digital cameras, because they give you instant feedback on your photos. When I shoot 50-100 pictures, I usually only really like 2-3 of them. It's not very efficient, but when you shoot digital it's not a waste. I have a Canon 40D, and I love it. I've had it for over a year now, but I'm still learning how to use it more efficiently, and get even better photo quality.

Here are some night shots of good ol' Salt Lake.

That's what she said

That's a huge post. The last post was pretty big, but I still have some other recent random stuff to put up here.

On the way back from Mel's parents cabin, we stopped by the Logan temple to take some pictures. We couldn't get inside the gate, so I had to settle for only a few quick pictures. It's a pretty temple, and the design is pretty unique. I would like to come back another time, and take some photos in the the night.

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