City of Salt Lake

I like to take pictures. My buddy Brott and I like to go on photo missions, where we both go to an area and shoot photos. Sometimes with a specific idea in mind, or other times we just shoot photos that will help Brott complete assignments for his photography class. It's nice to have digital cameras, because they give you instant feedback on your photos. When I shoot 50-100 pictures, I usually only really like 2-3 of them. It's not very efficient, but when you shoot digital it's not a waste. I have a Canon 40D, and I love it. I've had it for over a year now, but I'm still learning how to use it more efficiently, and get even better photo quality.

Here are some night shots of good ol' Salt Lake.


nate said...

The one of the Capitol is dope. You should submit it to iStock or something.

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