more new hairdo pics

Here are some more pics of me getting my hair put in cornrows. Me and the nice lady who did it, named Nefina (or Nephina, I'm not really sure), had a nice chat throughout the whole process. You may see me smiling in some of the pictures, but don't be fooled. It really hurts pretty bad when they do it, because to get nice tight braids, you have to pull the hair pretty hard. It was still totally worth it. Tons of people have given me really strange looks. Especially when we went to Raging Waters the day after. Anyway, enjoy the pictures, even if i did go overboard, and put too many on here.

Here are a couple of pictures from Raging Waters. My friend Nate reminded me of a funny truth. That truth is, as a kid, you just don't notice certain details because you are completely distracted by the fun. As kids, we never realized how run down and kind of dumpy Raging Waters looks in certain spots. Besides that, it was still really fun to spend a day there, messing around, and getting some sun.

One last pic of the cornrows taken out. For some reason I'm reminded of Lionel Richie. I don't know why.


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