My new hairdo

I enjoy changing up my hair and appearance on a regular basis (heck, look at my profile pic). I've always said that your hair was something to play around with. I usually go through the cycle of buzzing my head and then growing it back out long again. Once the hair is long, I like to do funny haircuts, with the Mullet style being one of the funniest, in my opnion. Well this time, I decided that I would go and get my hair put in some cornrow braids. I just wanted to at least try it, and see what I would look like with them. I think it looks sweet.


The Anderson's said...

Matt, I am laughing my guts out! Plus I am wondering where your orange jump suit is??

Will Radford said...

I am shocked and stunned. SHOCKED AND STUNNED!!! Unless you start rapping, then it will all make sense.

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